Small Business Website Maintenance (definition)

Owner of a family business? You probably have a lot on your plate! that leaves very little unnecessary time to mess around your business website.. Even when you do have some free time, without professional knowledge it is very difficult to maintain a website.

So, we are here to help!

What is website Maintenance? Website maintenance is a set of ongoing operations intended to ensure that the website is always up-to-date, malfunctions-free and as protected as possible. it is a job that requires experience and patience.

How we provide the service? As part of website maintenance services we actually offer 6 sub-services.

Please click on the icons below to read about each and every one of them or feel free to asked us more.

What do you get out of it? Peace of Mind. Although it’s your website, But the concern for the website health and safety are passed on to someone else (us).

In summary, If you own a Small Business Website, we provide a complete solution – Full searvice without any commitment on your part, 24/7 availability, unlimited requests with no additional costs + tech Support hours!

Surprisingly, Website maintenance Is harder in small businesses than in large businesses especially in the human aspect.

Small and medium-sized businesses will usually build their website based on open source content management systems as WordPress or Magento – great web management systems but their code are common and well-know to hackers too..

Additionally, in small businesses the website has a higher importance to business marketing so site owners tend to need more tech support hours which we are happy to bestow.

Feel free to ask us anything ๐Ÿ™‚

What do we do for you?

Website Hosting

Website encryption

Website backups

Website monitoring

Website maintenance

Website security

What are the terms of service?

24/7 availability

Committed to SLA

Without limits

No additional costs

DNS management

Techย support

Let us take responsibility of your website! We’re good at it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Small business website definition: A website owned by SMB or even by Corporate business however contains less then 50 web pages.

    Service details: our website maintenance services are based on a SLA (Service Level Agreement) that accurately defines work hours, response times and time to full solutionย depending on the urgency of request.