Everyone talks about the need for website maintenance, but what exactly is included in website maintenance services? In this article, we will try to lay out some of the responsibilities of a website maintainer and explain why each and every action is important for the website’s regular and proper performance.

How do you maintain a website?

A website consists of many code files. Each and every file has a significant role in the day-to-day functioning of the website. When one or more of the files on the website has a problem or does not upload as needed, it is possible that the entire site will be damaged and may not go live at all. Therefore, website owners hire website maintenance services to ensure that the website is up and running whenever required.

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    What is website maintenance?

    Website maintenance services are somewhat similar to car mechanic services. Just as you check your car once in a while, you also have to check your website once in a while and make sure everything is in order. However, unlike a vehicle that we check once a year or in accordance with milage, professional website maintenance requires checking the website at least once a week or once every two weeks for the following reasons:

    • New security breaches can be discovered constantly.
    • Version updates for the system and the system’s plugins are constantly released.
    • There are changes in the structure and content of the website all the time.

    If we do not perform proactive maintenance operations, then sooner or later our website will begin to wear down and upload slowly, and at some point, it can even be hacked by foreign parties that may damage our website in a very serious way.

    What does website maintenance service include?

    Website maintenance services include the following components:

    • Website hosting.
    • Encryption of the communication on the website.
    • Securing the website.
    • Regular and occasional backups of the website.
    • Regular update of the core version in the system.
    • Regularly updating the theme version of the website.
    • Regularly updating the versions of plugins.
    • Bugs and glitches are fixed in real-time.

    In order to provide maintenance services as required, the website maintenance company must provide a comprehensive service that also includes website hosting in order to maintain the ability to perform regular backups before editing the website code. Besides that, the maintenance company must ensure full encryption and security of the website and the communication with it.

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      After the permanent components of the storage and maintenance services have been implemented, updates can be made to the core of the system, to the design and to the many plugins, and this is done when there are backups that can be implemented if necessary, as in, if one of the new versions is not standard or is not adapted as required for the website.

      Also, as part of the service, the website maintenance company must be at the disposal of the customers and provide full support in cases where unexpected faults arise in loading the website, in clearing through the website or in any direct factor that impairs the experience of use or the performance of the website.

      What to ask from the website maintenance company?

      To ensure a professional and reliable service, you must hire a reliable and professional company with many years of experience that can guarantee you maximum protection. But besides that, the following requirements must be demanded from the company:

      • Commitment to availability in accordance with a pre-arranged and agreed-upon service agreement.
      • A commitment to a level of service that encompasses all of the website’s needs.
      In conclusion,

      If you have a website and you want to ensure that it continues to function optimally on an ongoing basis, if you want a little peace of mind in the online activity of your business, then website maintenance services are a must for you. We recommend that you read about the types of website maintenance by website type:

      • Maintenance of Corporate websites.
      • Maintenance of e-commerce websites.
      • Community website maintenance.

      Feel free to contact us for a consultation at no cost and with no obligations!