Category Archives: Website backups

Website Maintenance Cost – How Much Does It Really Cost to Maintain a Website?

In recent years, the field of website maintenance has constantly grown. There are always new..

Website Maintenance: What are the Costs of Website Maintenance Services, and What do They include?

A website is not a create-and-forget kind of thing. To stay relevant and up-to-date, it’s..

What Is the Process for Clearing a Hacked Website from Malicious Code?

When malicious code is detected there on a website, there’s a certain urgency in clearing..

Website management tips – 10 important tips for webmasters and business owners who do everything by themselves!

Quite a few business owners try to manage their websites on their own, and it’s..

How is a website maintained: whats included in website maintenance service?

Everyone talks about the need for website maintenance, but what exactly is included in website..

Technical support services for websites – perfect for independent website owners!

There are two types of website owners: website owners who do not want to deal..