One of the most common and main challenges in online stores of small to medium-sized businesses (when there’s no full-time webmaster) is to keep the prices and stocks of every product displayed in the store correctly and up to date. From our personal experience, most small and medium-sized business owners don’t find time to manage their online store properly, and even when they do have some time for it, they have to perform many, many tasks in an extremely short period of time, and so bit by bit, the balance is disturbed.

The Need for an Inventory/Price Management App for WooCommerce Stores

If you own a retail business, you will surely see yourself in the following description:

ask us anything! its free 🙂

    I arrange the shelves in the store and notice that I have a low stock of a certain product. I think to myself, we have to update the stock in the online store so that customers won’t purchase a product that is out of stock! But… after a few minutes, a customer enters the store and I forget to do it, and it happened! I received an order for a product that I have no way of delivering and the customer is frustrated with us.

    Another scenario that may seem familiar to you:

    I received a message from a certain supplier that all their products are to become 20% more expensive starting this November because of a global price increase of their materials. At the physical store, I have edited and updated the prices, but on the website, I kept procrastinating it, and I simply forgot all about it. Now, when December came, I received a huge order, but supplying it is not profitable! This really sucks.

    The unavailability of the online store system simply turns every simple action into a true challenge!

    We mean it, ask us anything!

      To overcome this problem, we have to make use of an app that will allow us to make the necessary changes in inventory or prices in real-time, and within a few seconds, just before any further interruptions occur, or we postpone the task over and over.

      So, we’re glad to tell you – such an app already exists. And, it’s not just any ordinary app – it’s an app developed by yours truly, for our customers, based on demands they have raised time and time again from their real-life experiences.

      An App for Managing Inventory and Prices in a WooCommerce Store

      We have developed an app for managing a WooCommerce stores and designed it so you could update prices and inventory quickly – even when it comes to products with variations (colors/sizes/models) – on the go, and in real-time!

      How does it work? Well, it’s actually quite simple.

      1. Download the app: Link for Android | Link for Apple.
      2. Register and add a website in just a few minutes.
      3. Enter the products to the app and start updating them in real-time.

      As soon as you click on the product management tab in the WooCommerce app by WEmanage, you will see 3 columns:

      • A column for general management (editing, publishing, and hiding)
      • A price management column (click for quick editing)
      • An inventory management column (click for quick editing)

      To edit products, all you have to do is go to the correct tab, click on the product once, and you will see an option to edit the main product (in a normal product) or an option to edit the sub-products (in variating products). Clicking on price or stock enables you to immediately edit in just a few seconds!

      But How Do You Edit Inventory or Products in the App Quickly?

      To enable you to edit really quickly, we allow you to perform some quick navigation actions to reach your destination in a very short time:

      • Search – A quick search of the product name will display the results, ready for editing.
      • Filtering – filtering by category, tag, status, type, or price, will display relevant products only.
      • Integration – filtering a category and then performing a live search within the filtered view.

      Let’s say you’re arranging a shelf with X products, and you find out that a product named 123 is out of stock. You can go to the products tab, switch to the inventory tab, and filter the category of shelf X. Then, you can even perform a quick search for product 123 to reach it within seconds. Click on the product to update that this product is out of stock, and you’re all set!

      The process of updating prices or stocks in our WooCommerce stores app takes an average of 10 seconds. The excuses are over! You can maintain an up-to-date inventory and prices in your store, you can market the products you have at their up-to-date prices, and thus leading to an increase in sales and increased customer satisfaction!

      Oh, and… it’s free! 🙂