Let us guess, you maintain your website through the company that has developed it? with a probability of about 70% that your answer to this question is yes. If asked how satisfied are you with the service? We believe with a probability of over 90% that you are not satisfied! (otherwise, you would not have been reading this article..)

It makes perfect sense, you are not a high priority for them.

ask us anything! its free ๐Ÿ™‚

    Website Service Level Agreement

    When wanting an excellent website maintenance service, the service provider must always see you as a top priority! Websites cannot be maintained as a side job or under duress, High availability is necessary to provide this kind of service.

    To ensure optimal service, you must demand a level of service commitment. And on this commitment, we will expand now.

    What to expect from Website SLA?

    A service agreement regulates the contract between the parties and allows for orderly work for the benefit of both sides. the agreement contains precise definitions of the following parameters:

    1. Who are the parties to the agreement?
    2. What are the service characteristics?
    3. Who is the person in charge on each side?
    4. What is the duration of the agreement?
    5. What are the limits of service?
    6. What are the service hours?

    By correct definition, Both parties know what they are giving and receiving in advance. therefore almost always we have 100% satisfaction!

    We mean it, ask us anything!

      So what exactly each and every part of the agreement means?

      The first part of the agreement regulates the service provider and the recipient of the service so there are no third-party providers, Replacement of service providers, etc.

      The second part of the agreement defines what falls within the agreement and what does not so there are no unnecessary misunderstandings. Website management and maintenance agreements usually refer to the fact that social networks are not part of the service.

      The third part of the agreement determines who to contact with each request and who is allowed to contact with actual requests. This is important to ensure service continuity with the person with the authority to make decisions!

      The fourth part of the agreement determines the duration of the service. Usually, a duration of a year is set (of course this is not a commitment but a statement of intent) designed to impart an orderly work process.

      The fifth part of the agreement defines the boundaries of the service. That is, are there any restrictions on the provision of the service or are there any restrictions on the provision of the service (WE DON’T).

      The sixth part of the agreement determines what are the office’s operating hours as well as who to contact when needed and with what means of communication!

      In conclusion,

      Website service level agreement (SLA) is designed to protect the customer and the service provider. When the document is worded correctly both parties have no doubts and the level of anxiety decreases!

      To understand more, click here to view the details of our service based on SLA agreement