Category Archives: Website marketing

How to Write Content for Websites – a Website Content Writing Guide!

Writing content for a website is not like writing content for a newspaper or in..

Updating Prices in the Online Store and SEO – is There a Relation Between Product Prices and SEO?

It’s not easy to organically promote an online store. Why? Well, because in many industries,..

B2B Marketing: How to Target and Market an Online Store to the Business Sector.

Most of the e-commerce nowadays is B2C. Businesses that sell to individuals, with orders containing..

Sell a lot of items for cheap or a few items for a high price – which strategy is right for an online store?

Every business owner asks themselves from time to time, is their strategy right, or maybe..

Managing memberships on an ecommerce website – how do you manage memberships in an online store (WordPress)?

Everyone has eCommerce websites! The Covid-19 pandemic has forced most of the store owners to..

Ecommerce manager – a short glance at a day of an ecommerce website manager!

Been reading online about web management courses? Are you considering the possibility of making a..

Promotion of manufacturers online – how to increase sales with Internet marketing?

Do you own a local manufacturing company but most of your sales are directed to..